Adding VoIP support to a web based CRM using webphones

This article is a brief introduction about VoIP support integration to a web based CRM using webphones using Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK. After reading through this page you will be fully familiar with all the essential terms concerning CRM VoIP support in connection with webphones and what you will need for creating your own solution with Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK.

What does VoIP CRM integration mean?

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a widely implemented strategy for managing a companys interactions with customers, clients and sales prospects. It involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize business processes principally sales activities, but also those for marketing, customer service, and technical support

voip crm webphone
Figure 1 - VoIP CRM webphone

VoIP CRM integration means that the communication with the customers is done by using voice over IP technology. This can reduce the costs of the communication and can also provide the easier possibility to revise and record the communication channels.

Your company can integrate your CRM system to the VoIP model by using webphone technology. This is the easiest solution as you put a webphone onto your company's website and every customer can contact with you through that webphone.

Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK supports webphone building and other VoIP communication solutions so you can create your own CRM solution by using this SDK. The possibilities are only limited to your imagination.

When you want to reach your customers via a webphone solution and want to integrate that user into a CRM system, you need to consider some situations. When a webphone uses a SIP account it can be got from the webphone server. If you want to identify the user through the SIP account they use, you need to ensure that the same user gets the same SIP account every time. This means that the SIP account delegation cannot be made automatically but needs to be supported with a login system.

For this purpose, the webphone has to require a login name and a password from the user who wants to use it and the SIP account is given to the webphone according to these login data. This also means that the system requires a registration from the users, but after that all the user data can be gained from the user data sheet store in a database.

For more information about customer datasheets and database integration, please read Automatic customer datasheet selection page.


This article explores how to add VoIP support to a web based CRM using webphones and showed how Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK can help you to fulfill your wishes about this topic. If you have read through this page carefully, you already have all the knowledge you need to start on your own solution.

As you are now familiar with all the terms concerning this topic, now it is time to take a step further and explore what other extraordinary solution Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK can provide to you.

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