How to configure Google Cloud Platform to your
Ozeki VoIP SDK projects

Step One:

Create a project in the Google Cloud Platform Console:

  • In the drop-down menu at the top, select 'Create a project'.
  • Give your project a name.
  • Make a note of the project ID, which might be different from the project name. The project ID is used in commands and in configurations.
  • Create your billing details at Google.
    Create credentials for API access:

  • Click 'Create credentials' and choose 'Service Account key'.
  • Under 'Service account', choose 'Compute Engine default service account', and leave JSON selected under 'Key Type'. Click 'Create'. A .json file will be downloaded to your computer.
  • Set the environment variable: 'GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'
    in PowerShell to the path of the JSON key that was downloaded (Figure 1).
  • set api access credentials
    Figure 1 - Set API access credentials

    Step Two:

    Download and Install Google Cloud SDK (Figure 2).

    google cloud sdk has been installed
    Figure 2 - Google Cloud SDK has been installed

    It is necessary to reboot your machine after installation.

    Step Three:

    Please download the example projects from here.
    Run the C# IDE you use. For example Visual Studio.
    Right click on one of the example projects and select 'Manage NuGet packages...' (Figure 3)

    manage nuget packages
    Figure 3 - Right click on one of the example projects to 'Manage NuGet packages...'

    By clicking 'Restore' (Figure 4), Visual Studio automatically restores NuGet packages.

    restoring nnget packages
    Figure 4 - Restoring NuGet packages

    On Figure 5 you can see the automatically restored NuGet packages.

    packages have been restored
    Figure 5 - NuGet packages have been restored

    Do not forget to set the project as startup project (Figure 6).

    set as startup project
    Figure 6 - Right click on the previously selected example project to 'Set as StartUp Project'

    After finnishing these steps you must be eager to test the project by pressing 'F5'.