Factors that affect performance (video encoding /decoding)

This article is a brief introduction about the factors that can affect VoIP communication performance in relation with Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK. Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK provides revolutionary technology to improve VoIP communication and integrate extended VoIP functions into your application.

Codec handling

Communication performance requires some important factors. When you establish and customize a communication between two clients, you need to consider these factors.

VoIP communication is done over the Internet, basically. When you want to call a remote party through an Internet connection, the quality of the call is influenced by the bandwidth. As for the voice calls, this factor is not so important nowadays as audio coding and decoding makes voice communication possible even for really bad Internet connections. But in the case of a video call the bandwidth is really important.

voip video performance
Figure 1 - VoIP video performance

In case of a video call the codes also influence the performance. The used resolution and frame rate settings can also be important. These all need to be set in both clients. When you establish a video call, the quality of the video and the audio stream is highly influenced by the network bandwidth, the computer capabilities and the video codecs you use.

For example, you can achieve better video quality with H.264 video codec, but the suppression rate of it is less than the one of the H.263 codec. Therefore the quality of video streaming with H.264 can be better if both parties are capable for that performance. In some cases it is better to use a bit lower quality in order to have acceptable performance.

In the case of video calls the main problem is the synchrony of the audio and video stream. This can create very bad overall experience quality despite the actual quality of the video and the audio. This is also a performance matter that needs to be handled and it is related to the performance of the computers or telephones and the connection. These problems can also be handled by using codecs with higher suppression rate that will lessen the quality but will make the whole communication experience better.

If you want to know more about codecs and how to setup these, you can check them on the following page: How to handle codecs?

All of the mentioned issues can be handled effectively and further ones can be avoided when you use the superb Ozeki SIP SDK. If you have read through this page carefully, you already have all the knowledge you need to start on your own solution.

You can select a suitable Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK license on Pricing and licensing information page

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