VoIP products you can build with Ozeki VoIP SDK

Using Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK, you can easily build any kind of modern VoIP application. With this software development kit, you can implement a Softphone or a PBX that meets your requirements. You can even add further functionalities to these developments later on. For instance, what you developed can have a unique IVR, i.e. Interactive Voice Response menu. You can also enable your development to record calls. Furthermore, you can develop webphone(s) or other communication tools.
Being a software development kit, Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK is inspired to give you premium quality help to build your own VoIP software. On this page, you see a list of products you can develop with it. By following the links, you can learn about all the VoIP products you can build with Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK.

  1. Softphone

  2. Dialers

  3. Call assistant

  4. Call center clients

  5. Call center servers

  6. PBX systems

  7. IVR systems

  8. Webphone solutions

  9. Conferencing systems

  10. Voice recording systems

  11. VoIP tunneling systems

  12. Security monitoring systems

  13. Mobile communication systems

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