| Member name | Value | Description |
| Trying | 100 |
(100) This response indicates that the request has been received by the next-hop server and that some unspecified action is being taken on behalf of this call.
| Ringing | 180 |
(180) This response may be used to initiate local ringback.
| CallIsBeingForwarded | 181 |
(181) A server may use this status code to indicate that the call is being forwarded to a different set of destinations.
| Queued | 182 |
(182) The called party is temporarily unavailable, but the server has ecided to queue the call rather than reject it.
| SessionProgress | 183 |
(183) The 183 (Session Progress) response is used to convey information about the progress of the call that is not otherwise classified.
| OK | 200 |
(200) The request has succeeded.
| MultipleChoices | 300 |
(300) The address in the request resolved to several choices, each with its own specific location, and the user (or UA) can select a preferred communication end point and redirect its request to that location.
| MovedPermanently | 301 |
(301) The user can no longer be found at the address in the Request-URI, and the requesting client should retry at the new address given by the Contact header field.
| MovedTemporarily | 302 |
(302) The requesting client should retry the request at the new address(es) given by the Contact header field.
| UseProxy | 305 |
(305) The requested resource must be accessed through the proxy given by the Contact field.
| AlternativeService | 380 |
(380) The call was not successful, but alternative services are possible.
| BadRequest | 400 |
(400) The request could not be understood due to malformed syntax.
| Unauthorized | 401 |
(401) The request requires user authentication.
| PaymentRequired | 402 |
(402) Reserved for future use.
| Forbidden | 403 |
(403) The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.
| NotFound | 404 |
(404) The server has definitive information that the user does not exist at the domain specified in the Request-URI.
| MethodNotAllowed | 405 |
(405) The method specified in the Request-Line is understood, but not allowed for the address identified by the Request-URI.
| NotAcceptable | 406 |
(406) The resource identified by the request is only capable of generating response entities that have content characteristics not acceptable according to the Accept header field sent in the request.
| ProxyAuthenticationRequired | 407 |
(407) This code is similar to 401 (Unauthorized), but indicates that the client must first authenticate itself with the proxy.
| RequestTimedOut | 408 |
(408) The server could not produce a response within a suitable amount of time.
| Gone | 410 |
(410) The requested resource is no longer available at the server and no forwarding address is known.
| RequestEntityTooLarge | 413 |
(413) The server is refusing to process a request because the request entity-body is larger than the server is willing or able to process.
| RequestURITooLong | 414 |
(414) The server is refusing to service the request because the Request-URI is longer than the server is willing to interpret.
| UnsupportedMediaType | 415 |
(415) The server is refusing to service the request because the message body of the request is in a format not supported by the server for the requested method.
| UnsupportedURIScheme | 416 |
(416) The server cannot process the request because the scheme of the URI in the Request-URI is unknown to the server.
| BadExtension | 420 |
(420) The server did not understand the protocol extension specified in a Proxy-Require or Require header field.
| ExtensionRequired | 421 |
(421) The UAS needs a particular extension to process the request, but this extension is not listed in a Supported header field in the request.
| IntervalTooBrief | 423 |
(423) The server is rejecting the request because the expiration time of the resource refreshed by the request is too short.
| TemporarilyUnavailable | 480 |
(480) The callee's end system was contacted successfully but the callee is currently unavailable.
| CallDoesNotExist | 481 |
(481) This status indicates that the UAS received a request that does not match any existing dialog.
| LoopDetected | 482 |
(482) The server has detected a loop.
| TooManyHops | 483 |
(483) The server received a request that contains a Max-Forwards header field with the value zero.
| AddressIncomplete | 484 |
(484) The server received a request with a Request-URI that was incomplete.
| Ambiguous | 485 |
(485) The Request-URI was ambiguous.
| BusyHere | 486 |
(486) The callee's end system was contacted successfully, but the callee is currently not willing or able to take additional calls at this end system.
| RequestTerminated | 487 |
(487) The request was terminated by a BYE or CANCEL request.
| NotAcceptableHere | 488 |
(488) The session description such as the bandwidth, addressing type or codecs were not acceptable.
| RequestPending | 491 |
(491) There is a pending request within the same call.
| Undecipherable | 493 |
(493) The request was received by a UAS that contained an encrypted MIME body for which the recipient does not possess or will not provide an appropriate decryption key.
| ServerInternalError | 500 |
(500) The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
| NotImplemented | 501 |
(501) The server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request.
| BadGateway | 502 |
(502) The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the downstream server it accessed in attempting to fulfill the request.
| ServiceUnavailable | 503 |
(503) The server is temporarily unable to process the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.
| ServerTimeout | 504 |
(504) The server did not receive a timely response from an external server it accessed in attempting to process the request.
| VersionNotSupported | 505 |
(505) The server does not support, or refuses to support, the SIP protocol version that was used in the request.
| MessageTooLarge | 513 |
(513) The server was unable to process the request since the message length exceeded its capabilities.
| BusyEverywhere | 600 |
(600) The callee's end system was contacted successfully but the callee is busy and does not wish to take the call at this time.
The server has definitive information about a particular user, not just the particular instance.
| GlobalFailureDecline | 603 |
(603) The callee's machine was successfully contacted but the user explicitly does not wish to or cannot participate.
The server has definitive information about a particular user, not just the particular instance.
| DoesNotExistAnywhere | 604 |
(604) The server has authoritative information that the user does not exist anywhere.
The server has definitive information about a particular user, not just the particular instance.
| GlobalFailureNotAcceptable | 606 |
(606) The session description such as the bandwidth, addressing type or codecs were not acceptable.
The server has definitive information about a particular user, not just the particular instance.