Webphone Development

Introduction to webphone technology

A webphone is a softphone solution that is embedded into your web page. A fully operable webphone gives your customers the freedom of calling you for free without the need for any personal data to be typed in; without registration or any downloaded programs. They only have to visit your page and they can call you directly from their browser.
Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK saves you a great deal of time and effort for webphone development. By using Ozeki SIP SDK you can effectively develop your own webphone:
Learn how easy it is to add a webphone to your webpage with Ozeki SIP SDK

  • Web page
    Webphones are embedded into a web page, so you will definitely need one for using this service.
  • Flash/Silverlight support
    The webphone client applications have multimedia content, therefore they need some support for displaying this content on the web.
  • Webphone server
    The webphone server is a solution that provides the communication establishment between two webphone applications or between a webphone and a softphone or with the use of the PSTN between a webphone and an analog or mobile phone.

The webphone client application is embedded in a web site and when a user calls a number the client that is also connected to the server over some standard protocols (NET.TCP, HTTP, RTMP, etc.) sends the call message to the server that transfers it to a remote client or a SIP softphone.

The webphone server is a software solution that provides all the needed services towards the webphone client application. The basic function of a webphone server is to establish the connection between the two parties and to forward the voice between them.

Flash technology is one of the most frequently used client-side technique for client-side dynamic multimedia content visualization nowadays.
Flash ensures the animation of texts, drawings or even images by manipulating vector and raster graphics. With Flash, the support of bidirectional streaming of audio and video is available. In addition, it can capture user input through mouse, keyboard, microphone and camera. Flash contains an object-oriented language that is called ActionScript. It also supports automation via the Javascript Flash language (JSFL).
Ozeki SIP SDK enables you to boost Flash technology and to develop Flash webphones: How to add a webphone to a webpage (Flash camera and microphone access).

Microsoft Silverlight has been basically designed for replacing Flash technology and provides mostly the same features as Adobe Flash does.
Microsoft Silverlight is a multimedia tool for displaying media streams mainly embedded into web pages. It has its own method set and can be programmed from Visual Studio, therefore this technology does not require you to have different development environment for the client and the server solution programming.
Ozeki VoIP SDK also ensures superb options to develop webphones in Silverlight: How to build a Silverlight SIP softphone for web to SIP calls.

Social Media integration

Social networking is such an online service, platform or site that allows to build social relations (social networks) among those people, who share something in common (common interests and/or activities).
Facebook is the most popular online social network with more than 800 thousand users. It has its own rule system that allows anyone to define and embed their own applications (e.g. a VoIP webphone) into their profile site.
With Ozeki SIP SDK you can also provide remarkable social network VoIP solutions: How to make Facebook to SIP calls with Ozeki VoIP SDK.

Get Started


Select an Ozeki SIP SDK license

Ozeki VoIP SIP SDKs licensing is based on the number of the simultaneous calls you wish to handle. More...


Install Ozeki SIP SDK

Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK is simple to install. Follow the basic steps to have a great background support for your VoIP solutions in minutes.

  • Download Ozeki VoIP SDK
  • Start the installer program
  • Select the target folder
  • Wait until the installation process finishes


Start with an example application

Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK comes with a lot of example programs, all of which have online documentation. If you are new to webphone programming, you can start with a detailed guide about webphone development.


Ask our engineers if you have questions

If you have any question, send us an e-mail at info@voip-sip-sdk.com.

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