Commercial information for Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK

Pages beneath this section contain information about the pricing, licensing and further commercial related issues you may be interested in. When you decide to purchase an Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK license you will gain complex services according to your needs...

  1. For later projects you may need professional technical support to achieve greater and faster efficiency. For this purpose you can choose a support package adjusted to your needs: Read more at Support terms and conditions page.
    This page gives you a comparison chart of the support packages. By default standard support is available when you purchase the product. If you want more support options, you can purchase a silver or gold support package for your product.

  2. To place an order and get an Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK license the soonest, you only need to click the order link and select the payment method. You can order an Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK license at How to buy page. This page also covers the licensing terms you may be interested when you purchase a license.

  3. After purchasing an Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK license you can still gain several benefits and advantages. Learn why it is worth to be a license holder at License holder benefits page!

  4. When you decide to implement Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK into your application you can achieve greater efficiency and faster results if you attend our special training course. During this training you can get acquainted with VoIP technologies and the architecture of Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK in details. What makes this training special for you is the fact that Ozeki engineers help you write a code using the Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK. Therefore you can get tips and info from the ones who developed this SDK! Learn more at How to attend to an Ozeki Training course page!

If you have any questions or want more information, please contact the Ozeki Sales Team at!

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