instant voip calls

Instant VoIP calls in any .Net program


  • Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK can be included in any software developed in .Net seamlessly
  • It is very user-friendly. After download you only need to copy the code and you can immediately establish VoIP calls. It ensures a quick start and provides fluent user experience!
  • It allows instant implementation of VoIP calls in your .Net program
  • Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK is fully standard compliant
  • It is based on C#.Net
  • You can freely modify the source code according to your needs to create a more efficient VoIP solution
  • Outstanding support is also ensured (the developers of Ozeki VOIP SIP SDK can help you realize your projects or modifications)
  • It is easy to incorporate in your .Net program
  • Basic technical knowledge is far enough to introduce and use this SDK
  • + Unlike other SDKs, Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK includes a test component (You do not have to write a test module. You can use this included test component for testing to save lots of time and energy!)
  • Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK provides very high performance

Outstanding Advantages

  • Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK supports both: client side and server side SIP Stack implementation
  • Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK provides a thread safe implementation
  • Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK was optimized for a high number of simultaneous calls
  • Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK supports asynchronous event handling
  • Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK is resource efficient: it is optimized for memory consumption, CPU consumption and technologies are introduced to spare network resources, such as port sharing, bandwidth optimization
  • In Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK great care was taken to provide detailed error reporting and exception handling