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VideoFormat Properties

The VideoFormat type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCodecType
Gets the encoded type of the video data.
Public propertyHeight
Gets the height of the video.
Public propertyIndexPixelPalette
Gets or sets the color palette for the pixel format of the image. It is only used with Uncompressed VideoType and indexed pixelformats, currently the only supported indexed pixelformat is Format8bppIndexed.
Public propertyMaxBitrate
Gets the maximum bitrate for the video data.
Public propertyMaxFramerate
Gets the maximum available framerate for the video.
Public propertyPixelFormat
Gets the pixel format of the image. This is used only if the CodecType is Uncompressed because it describes bitmap image formats.
Public propertyResolution
Gets the resolution of the video data.
Public propertyWidth
Gets the width of the video.
See Also