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RequestAuthenticationInfo Properties

The RequestAuthenticationInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAuthName
Gets the value of the auth. name sent in the SIP request.
(Inherited from BaseAuthenticationInfo.)
Public propertyCallID
Gets the value of the Call-ID header.
Public propertyCNonce (Inherited from BaseAuthenticationInfo.)
Public propertyContentType
Gets the content type of the body.
Public propertyCSeq
Gets the value of the CSeq header.
Public propertyEntityBody (Inherited from BaseAuthenticationInfo.)
Public propertyFrom
Gets the value of the From header.
Public propertyID
Gets the authentication ID.
Public propertyInstanceInfo
Gets information about the SIP client.
Public propertyIsMidDialogRequest
Gets a boolean value indicating whether the request is a mid-dialog request.
Public propertyMethod (Inherited from BaseAuthenticationInfo.)
Public propertyNonce (Inherited from BaseAuthenticationInfo.)
Public propertyRealm (Inherited from BaseAuthenticationInfo.)
Public propertyRequestMethod
Gets the method name of the SIP request.
Public propertyResponse (Inherited from BaseAuthenticationInfo.)
Public propertyTo
Gets the value of the To header.
Public propertyUri (Inherited from BaseAuthenticationInfo.)
See Also