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ConferenceRoom Methods

The ConferenceRoom type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddToConference
Adds a phone call to the conference.
Public methodConnectReceiver
Connects a media receiver to the conference room.
Public methodConnectSender
Connects a media sender to the conference room.
Public methodDisconnectReceiver
Disconnects a connected media receiver from the conference room.
Public methodDisconnectSender
Disconnects a connected media sender from the conference room.
Public methodDispose
Disposes the object.
Protected methodFinalize
Public methodRemoveFromConference
Removes a phone call from the conference.
Public methodStartConferencing
Starts the previously added calls and begins the conferencing.
Public methodStopConferencing
Hangs up all the phone calls and stops the conferencing. Both the phone calls and the media connections will be removed.
See Also