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WaveFormat Properties

The WaveFormat type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAverageBytesPerSec
Gets or sets the required average data-transfer rate, in bytes per second, for the format tag. (nAvgBytesPerSec)
Public propertyBitsPerSample
Gets or sets the bits per sample for the WaveFormatTag format type. (wBitsPerSample) If WaveFormatTag is PCM, then this should be equal to 8 or 16. For non-PCM formats, this member must be set according to the manufacturer's specification of the format tag. If WaveFormatTag is EXTENSIBLE, this value can be any integer multiple of 8 and represents the container size, not necessarily the sample size; for example, a 20-bit sample size is in a 24-bit container. Some compression schemes cannot define a value for BitsPerSample, so this member can be 0.
Public propertyBlockAlign
Gets or sets Block alignment, in bytes. (nBlockAlign)
Public propertyCbSize
Gets or sets the size of extra format information appended to the end of the WAVEFORMATEX structure in bytes. (cbSize) This information can be used by non-PCM formats to store extra attributes for the WaveFormatTag. If no extra information is required by the WaveFormatTag, this member must be set to 0. For PCM formats, this member is ignored. When this structure is included in a WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE structure, this value must be at least 22.
Public propertyChannels
Gets or sets the number of channels in the waveform-audio data. (Mono = 1, Stereo = 2). (nChannels)
Public propertySampleRate
Gets or sets the sample rate, in samples per second (hertz). (nSamplesPerSec)
Public propertyWaveFormatTag
Gets or sets the Waveform-audio format type. (wFormatTag)
See Also