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AudioQualityEnhancer Properties

The AudioQualityEnhancer type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAcousticEchoCancellation
Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the Acoustic Echo Cancellation is enabled.
Public propertyAutoGainControl
Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the Auto Gain Control is enabled.
Public propertyConverterType
Gets or sets the type of the audio converter that will be used when resampling the sent audio data.
(Inherited from AudioHandler.)
Public propertyEchoDelay
Gets or sets the delay of the acoustic echo (in milliseconds).
Public propertyGainSpeed
Gets or sets the gain speed of the Auto Gain Control (in decibel).
Public propertyID (Inherited from DisposableClass.)
Public propertyMaxGain
Gets or sets the maximal gain of the Auto Gain Control (in decibel).
Public propertyNoiseReductionLevel
Gets or sets the level of the noise filter.
Public propertyReceiveFormats
Gets a list of audio formats that the audio handler can handle. If no audio format specified, all formats are supported.
(Inherited from AudioHandler.)
See Also